All interested parties are invited to listen to the report of Manohar Prasad Bhandari, the leading researcher of LU KPMI "Potential use of breath VOCs sensors in artificial ventilation machine for COVID-19 patients", which he will give in the section "Latvian researchers' contribution to COVID-19 mitigation", on March 10, 1:40 - 2:00 pm.

The section will take place remotely, on the Zoom platform.
The live broadcast will be available on the University of Latvia Facebook page.
The section program can be viewed HERE.

The annual International scientific conference of the University of Latvia from January to April 2021 is taking place for the 79th time.
This year, the conference is taking place remotely using Zoom and MS Teams platforms.

Conference participants are introduced to current scientific achievements and news, including Covid-19 research.

The study is performed on the clinical, biochemical, immunogenetic paradigms of the Covid-19 infection project of the National Research Program “Covid-19 Mitigation” and their correlation with socio-demographic, etiological, pathogenetic, diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic factors to be included in the guidelines ”, Project no. VPP-COVID-2020 / 1-0023
