One of the institute's goals is to promote the growth of young scientists in the institute's specialized research areas. This goal is supported by the task of participating in the implementation of academic study programs (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, and doctoral) at the University of Latvia and in the implementation of professional, continuing education, and lifelong learning programs.

As part of the diploma program (professional program in medicine, bachelor's and master's programs in pharmacy, master's programs in biology and chemistry), as well as in postgraduate and professional medical residency programs, at the institute, students have the opportunity to work on a relevant thesis topic within their study program.

At the institute, student may develop theses and research papers in the following specialized research areas:

  • Oncology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Public Health and Disease Prevention
  • Epidemiology (including cancer epidemiology)
  • Microbiome and Infection Research
  • Screening and Intervention Studies

The institute also offers the opportunity to participate in an EU postdoctoral program.